You are here: Barcode Scanning > Stock Item Scanning

Stock Item Scanning

Stock Items can be linked to a barcode by using the scan code as the Stock Item Code, Scan Code or Alternate Code/s.

Where there is an Auto button beside the Scan Code field, you have the ability to automatically add a code.



Items can be linked to more than 1 scan code which are referred to as Alternate Codes.

Alternate codes are used for when you want to have 1 description for an item in the list, but would like to be able to stock control all the items separately.

An example of this would be an RTD drink like a Vodka Cruisers.

You would use your description of Vodka Cruiser, but each different flavour is assigned its own barcode.


You can Add, Modify or Delete any amount of Scan Codes you designate as Alternate.


Access Alternate Codes by opening the Stock Item List > Highlight the Stock Item > Press the Alternate Codes button located on the left-hand side of the list.



A new window will open where all existing Alternate Codes will be displayed.

If there are no Alternate Codes the only option available to you is to Add.

Once you have 1 or more codes added, you will also be able to Modify or Delete.



When you select Add, a new window where you can add Alternate Codes.

The Stock Code and Description will be displayed but are not able to be edited.

Scan or enter the bar code details into the Alternate Code field and press Save.

The window will refresh so you can add multiple codes in quick succession.



Once all Alternate Codes have been saved, they will be displayed in this window.

After you have made all relevant changes, you can exit the Alternate Codes window.



If you scan a stock item that isn’t setup in Idealpos you can warn the clerk that the stock item doesn’t exist.

Go to: Setup > Yes/No Options > POS Screen and ticking on Warn if Stock Item Not Found.




Another option is to go to the stock search screen if the scanned code isn’t found. 

You can set this up by going to Setup > Yes/No Options > POS Screen and ticking on Go to Stock Search if item not found.



If both ‘Warn if Stock Item Not Found’ and ‘Force Stock Item Search if Item not found’ are ticked, you will be presented with the option to go to the stock search screen on the warning box.




It is possible to configure Idealpos to display a Fast Add Stock Item screen when the scanned barcode is not found.

When a Stock Item Barcode is scanned and that scan code is not found, Idealpos will display the Fast Add Stock Item screen.

The screen will enable the Clerk to enter the Stock Item Description, Sell Price, Department and GST/Tax Type.

After those details have been entered, the Stock Item will be added to the database and will also be added to the sale.

If the Stock Item Barcode is scanned again on any networked POS Terminal in the venue, the Item will be added to the sale using the Description/Sell Price that was entered.

Note that Fast Add Stock Items is not compatible with the option 'Force Stock Item Search if Item not found'.

For details on how to enable the 'Fast Add Stock Item' function, click here.